Lucy Lanzarote Page


Lucy Lanzarote is not like any other girl. She cannot climb a tree, whistle a tune or sew a button on.

She does not like picking flowers, painting pictures, or going for long walks.

Her spelling is useless and she reads with difficulty.

She looks like this. Not very pretty for a six year old, is she?

So why do you write about Lucy Lanzarote, I hear you ask?

If you can keep a secret, I will tell you.

Copyright © Frank Dickens2.000-2.024
Redistribution in whole or in part prohibited

Copyright © Frank Dickens2.000-2.024
Redistribution in whole or in part prohibited

When she was very young, she was told the nursery rhyme "Who killed Cock Robin?" and ever since that day has shown an interest in Crime.

That is why, should you go into any of the police stations in the area where she lives and mention her name, you will se a smile on the face of every policeman there.

"Lucy Lanzarote?" they will cry. "What we will do without her. She is the best crimefighter we have."

© Frank Dickens 2000-2024


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